Monday, January 10, 2005


One after another; in a series.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


(1) Something added to another, more important thing; an appendage. See Synonyms at appendage.
(2) Equipment, such as clothing, tools, or instruments, used for a specific purpose or task; gear.
(3) Law. A right, privilege, or property that is considered incident to the principal property for purposes such as passage of title, conveyance, or inheritance.

Monday, January 03, 2005


To crumble to dust; disintegrate.

Saturday, January 01, 2005


(1) Of, relating to, or containing bile; biliary.
(2a) Characterized by an excess secretion of bile.
(2b) Relating to, characterized by, or experiencing gastric distress caused by a disorder of the liver or gallbladder.
(2c) Appearing as if affected by such a disorder; sickly.
(3) Resembling bile, especially in color: a bilious green.
(4) Having a peevish disposition; ill-humored.